What is planning?? Why does people plan?? What significance does it have in our life?? Planing is the process of building the steps of a ladder one at a time to reach a desired goal. Everyone is planning or working on their plans right now as I write and you read this article. Planing is very important in one's life. It is the blueprint of your idea or your frame of life. Without planning one's life can be compared to that of a ship lost in an ocean of infinity. Planning can be divided into large scale planning and small scale planning. Small scale planning as the name itself indicates are the day to day planned actions that we take for a bigger reaction in the long run whereas large scale planning is the decision that we make to affect the reality. But how to adopt a fruitful planning. A plan that will definitely work. Actually to be honest that factor depends completely on oneself. It is you who will decide whether your plan will work out or not. For a fruitful planning one requires focus, consistency, and an unmatchable will power. There's no such thing as a small step as for every half-pint step you take it impacts your bigger plan. There are many who plans but they fail. So what's the reason behind it. The primary factor to their failure is their inconsistency or giving up. They got fed up and then they gave up. Planning is just like a tree you need to water it daily and it will surely bear fruit in the future, you just need to cling to the edge of the cliff and continue pushing yourself up. Now another factor that holds significance is that you need to constantly re- structure your steps for an effective planning. In other words you need to modify the small scale planning from time to time while keeping the large scale planning or your ultimate objective constant. It is because time changes and with time you need to modify how your steps will serve the bigger purpose. You do update your cell phone apps from time to time for smooth running right?? So it's similar to that. Another mistake that many commits is that they set up a time limit. No, don't do that because there's no guarantee that you will achieve your goal within that limited time frame no matter how strong your planning is. And if your calculation fails you will get frustrated and it will ultimately effect your consistency. And remember consistency is one of the driving force  of your planning. I often remember a phrase that once my father told, it goes" concentrate on doing your part and leave the rest to god. If you continue your hard work then he'll smile upon you one day and give you what you deserve"  . However some may reach to their goals in their estimated time but it should not affect our planning and mood as  every single car is running at different speeds in the highway called life. What I mean to say is that everybody and each of us has our own timing. In simple words we have our own clock and our life is attached to this clock. one won't get anything before or after his desired time. Destiny is never late it always arrives in time.


  1. I am more a "on the spur of the moment" person. Planning and I usually are not good companions. But from my experiences I can tell you it's always good to plan.

  2. Very open and perfect description of planning it really provided me a perfect knowledge and understanding


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