Time is a very interesting quantity and time traveling has been a hot topic since years now. Each one of us atleast at one point of time have thought of going back to time to rectify our mistakes. But  by doing that will we really succeed? Time is a unidirectional quantity and it'll always move forward. Einstein's theory of relativity states that in order to travel back in time one has to travel at a speed faster than light. But to accelerate a mass to that speed would require infinite energy which is not possible. Therefore time travelling is considered impossible. To travel in time one has to somehow curve the space-time. But, let's now say that somehow you found a way to break time barriers and decided to go back in time and change something. When you will land yourself in the past, the past will already have a version of you. That means once you accomplish your objective there's no point in staying in the past as that timeline already has a version of you. Now let's say you decided to give a visit to your childhood to change something. When you change something in your past ,only the time of that particular universe will change. In other words  by changing something by traveling back to your past will only change the future of that particular timeline but when you will come back to the present you will again find yourself in the exact same position. For example:- let's say a man travelled back to time and killed a tiger that was about to kill his friend. Now by doing that he managed to save his friend only in that particular timeline because when he returns back to the present his friend will still be dead who was already killed by that tiger. Everything in nature comes in pairs, for every negative there's a positive, night and day,male and female and so on. Our decisions comes in pairs too. For a 'yes' there's a 'no'. For instance if you select a red car over the white, the red car will become your reality in this timeline and the white car in an another. It all depends on what you accept. That is why when you travel back in time you will land in one such timeline and your actions will only change the course of  events for that particular timeline instead of the present timeline. In simple words time travel can be considered as a bridge that connects two different timelines. So, the next time you think of cruising through time think for yourself whether it's worth it.


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