Age---Number or Illusion

Age, a function of time that determines the limit of our capabilities. With age our capabilities and abilities shoots up from minimum to maximum and again from maximum to minimum as we grow up from young to old. Age is the only medium through which we can feel the presence of time. There are certain things that we been constantly believing blindly without giving a second thought. Actually these concepts are perfectly fitted into the core of our brains right from our childhood. And who fits these concepts?? We ourselves. One such concept  is time right from our early days we believe that time is a fundamental quantity but it's not. Time is relative to light. But many realises this as they grow up. But again there are many who finds it difficult to consume the entire fact completely as they have already assumed and also accepted the nature of time to be something else. And acception leads to reality.Time is an illusion in itself. Let me point out an example to make it more clear. Suppose you have a table and a pen in your hand. Now consider that there's nothing outside the four cornered surface of that table. Now roll the pen on the surface of the table. The pen will continue rolling and move forward untill it falls down from the extreme end of the table. Now consider the four cornered surface of the table as the entire cosmos,the whole of universe and the pen as a matter. And outside the table there exists nothingness just like before the emergence of our universe. So the time for that pen will exist only when it remains on the surface of the table. Once the pen falls out of it bounds ,time will cease to exist. We can consider ourselves as the pen and our sarroundings as the table. Now since age is a function of time, is it an illusion too?? We all have accepted age as a number system that started ticking right after the moment we've opened our eyes and will continue ticking till we close our eyes again. The concept is not wrong but actually if we think more deeply we can come to the conclusion that all of us are of the same age. What if I tell you that Babur the Mughal emperor and I are of the same age. Your father, grandfather,great grandfather, you yourself and your son/daughter that are  not even born yet are all the same age. It's sounds crazy at first but is actually very simple. Our universe expanded from a point like that of a full stop that I'm putting at the end of each sentence of this article. Now all the matter you're seeing now including you yourself were present within that point. This point started expanding at a tremendous rate and evolved into our universe. All the matters present now were there in the beginning concentrated in that point. Once the point expanded the sub atomic particles present combined with other subatomic particles forming atom and likewise everything started. Now our body is made of matter. The same matter that was formed billions of years ago. So we can say that in a way all of us are of the same age. Our parents are the products of our grandparents and we are the products of our parents. In a way we are a part of our parents,our grandparents and etc. I explained this concept to some of my friends and they asked me then why is the population of the world  increasing?? The population is not increasing but it's expanding. And this does not holds true only for living objects but  even for the Mountains, rocks etc. So the next time someone ask you your age tell him it's about 15 billion years or even maybe more.


  1. Perception is our biggest foe. Looking beyond it is the only way to reveal that which is obvious and yet overlooked

  2. Okay, I get the gist of your insights but I'm still not convinced about the expansion notion... Maybe it is just semantics; increase and expand are sister concepts after all :)

  3. Very interesting topic. Lovely concept of writing.
    Are you professional in this?


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