Past,Present & Future

 Past,Present and Future, these three timeframe can be considered as the basic structure of one's life. If we observe closely our entire life can be divided into these three stages. We learn from the past,make adjustments in the present, and hope to grow or benefit from these modified adjustments in the future. Everything we see and feel is  energy. So, now the question arises does these three timeframe holds any significance?? the answer is both yes and no. These are parts or in a way subdivision of time and they do effect our life process. However, since they are a part of time they can be considered as an illusion . But even if they are illusion they holds significance in our lives. When we're making decisions we are not actually making it with our own consent. Its like someone or something is making us to take our decisions. Now who is this something or someone?? Its time. Everything that has happened in the past or is happening now or about to happen has already been decided long before we were even born. To be precise it was all decided at the time of the creation of our universe. We are just puppets with string attached to time or energy. There's a reason why I mentioned energy. Because when a particular matter with definite mass moves in space it creates time. And what is matter?? A form of energy. And everything in the cosmos is in motion. Even if you're sitting in a chair you are not at rest but in motion as the earth is revolving around the sun,which in turn is revolving in the galaxy,and the galaxies are moving in the universe. So nothing is at complete rest.  Even if the past, present and the future is just a mere illusion there's still one timeframe that we cannot ignore. The timeframe of "now". The most important and the only  timeframe that makes sense.It can also be called as the moment of now. We are making decisions in this moment called now, we are getting benefited from our decisions in this moment called now, we are making mistakes and also learning from those mistakes in this moment called now. So only "now" exist, the very "now" you are reading this article or watching television or playing video game or whatever you are doing only this particular moment exist. To understand it more efficiently let us consider an example:- let's say I have a pocket notebook. First the notebook was completely blank with full of empty pages. You can consider this state as the period when our universe was not yet born. Now suddenly you decides to turn your notebook into a flip book and also you started to draw the transformation of a boy from young to old. So in every page starting from the first you slowly started drawing  step by step transformation of that boy. Now if you flip all the pages rapidly then you can see the animation of how the boy transformed from a baby to an old man. It's just like an animated film. Every page of that flip book can be considered as the moment of now. When all this moment of now combines together it creates time. Now every step of the life cycle of that particular man was decided in your mind beforehand you put the pen to paper.In other words it was already decided. We're just that boy in the flip book. And you who drew the man from an infant to old is time. That means if we consider that flip book as our life then we can tell that everything has already been decided. But I'm not saying that we must not try to change our course of life or to quit fighting or to give up our dreams or whatever. Our life is a story, and we must try our level best to give it a beautiful ending. We should  always hope for a better tomorrow because that's what makes us "HUMANS".


  1. Wow. This was so deep I had to read it again to totally understand. Indeed life is a story and we must make it a beautiful one!

  2. Very interesting analogy! For me, it is difficult to remember to live in the now and not in the future

  3. This made me think�� love your writing!

  4. I so wish we could control time. Life would be so much easier!

  5. This is a very unique view on life itself. I don't quite agree as I have a different mindset. Your writing is very good.


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