Who are we??

In some point of life many have wondered about questions like what are we?? What is the nature of the things that surrounds us?? Where lies the origin of this creation??. There are many who likes to stare at the night skies full of stars twinkling from faraway distance. We gaze and wonder about it's mystery and beauty. Like many others I do wonder about these questions. As a child staring into the night sky and wondering was one of my favourite pass time. But as I grew up these questions only got complicated. Then after some research I came to know that the answer to all these questions is infinity. When we wonder how far the universe is stretched? The answer is infinity. We are ourselves an infinity. If we carefully study the structure of the universe we can see that it's structure matches with that of our brain fibres. Now, is the universe alive? Yes, it is.  I wonder what if we're inside of an another life force and also what if we're supporting an another life force inside us. I believe there's a universe inside us just like the one outside. In this universe inside maybe there are life just like us. And the life that exist in the universe within us again support another life force and vice versa. The entire arrangement is infinite. Universes existing within each other. An infinite complex setup. So we're just an infinity walking within an another infinity. Now why are we here?? Everybody believes that we are here in this world for some reason that is why we're here. What's that reason?? That reason is to serve a purpose. Let us consider that our life is just a number. This number is unique and different for everyone. Now the entire creation is an infinite book with infinite volume. The book is filled with infinite equations. And we're just a number in these equation created within the book by an unknown force to serve the purpose of that equation. That means we are numbers, all the things around us is the equation and our life is the function of the number.Once the purpose of a number in functioning an equation is served the number gets cancelled out. All the infinity is an arrangement. We're all an arrangement. An order designed by an infinite energy. An energy that maintains order in the chaos. That's why even  the nature of the creation is chaotic yet its orderly.


  1. Question thay has haunted humanity since the beginning of time. Good read

  2. Interesting point of view. I will have to sit down and contemplate the infinity within myself. Good read, keep it up.

  3. I think this is very interesting, and I am glad you are not afraid to share your point of view. I believe that inside us we have a spirit, and that it separates from us at death and waits to be reunited. :)

  4. Interesting read.....keep it up.....

  5. This piece was worth reading, i was open minded all through. Thanks for sharing your point of view


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