Today I'll be discussing about a very crucial topic. Now firstly I want to make clear that this article is not aimed to hurt anyone's feelings or beliefs. Its just my opinion on the topic. And my intentions are are very clear and clean. In this article I'll be writing on the existence of god. Now, does god exist?? If he does then where is he?? I don't know about what others think or believe but I definitely believe that god do exist. Actually many scientists who have studied on the working of the universe also believes that god exist. It is because the way the entire universe is structured or designed and the way it is in order. So,where is god?? Well to think of god as an individual will be a little wrong. To think of him as a superior someone who watches over us will be not appropriate. God is not just someone or something but a force that creates,maintains and destroys life in a recycling manner. I'll be joining some points taken from the holy book of Bhagavat Gita and science and then by using the combination of these facts to form a basic idea of god. In the Bhagavat Gita it is said that god is everywhere he's in the air we breathe, in the wind that blows, inside us and also in all other living forms. The spirit that is inside all of us is sinless, pure and a part of god. In other words the entire creation is god. Now, science says that the air we breath, the wind that blows, the tree,the mountain,the life forms all are energy. The sun, the moon, the entire universe is energy. So its  clear that both our holy books and science itself is defining god.Our universe is said to have expanded from a point of singularity into what it is today. The reason behind the creation of our universe is an infinite energy. This infinite energy caused our universe to expand and create life and is still  expanding and in the process creating life as you read this article. I believe this infinite energy is god.  As this energy is creating and maintaining life it will also one day destroy it. And this is how the cycle goes on and on. So in the end it can be concluded that god does exist as an omnipresence . There's no use worshipping this form if we don't respect the creation. Only when we'll be able to create a link between us and everyone including the animals,tress etc ,only when we'll be able to love others like we love ourselves only then we'll be able to find god.


  1. Hmm interesting post. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

  2. Very interesting read! Thanks so much for sharing your insights!

    Amber S. |

  3. Interesting, glad I got your perspective on the issue

  4. I always think it is interesting to hear others' beliefs. I personally, believe there is a God as well. I believe As Man is, God once was. As God is, Man may become. :)


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