The term "Parallel Universe" is associated with the concept of multiverse.  To understand about multiverse let us just consider that a stack of certain number of books are kept on top of the another. Then the entire stack of books will be called as multiverse and each book individually will be called as parallel universe. Consider each book as a universe like the one we are on. Note that each of these books or universes are not joined  they are just  on top of the other forming a stack. Thus they are parallel to each other. Its the same in case of parallel universes. Now as we got a rough idea about multiverse so let's learn about parallel universe in brief. A parallel universe is like a mirror of a particular universe which reflects all the quantities of that universe. However the laws of physics differ. That means a parallel universe of a certain universe is exactly the same just like a xerox copy. If in a certain universe there exist a planet called earth than so is in the parallel universe. If there are say about "x" number of mountains in this earth then there will also be "x " number of mountains in the earth of the parallel universe. Most interestingly if you exist here in this universe then so are you in the parallel universe. But the life you are leading in the parallel universe is completely different from the life you are leading in this universe. Parallel universes co-exist with one another. It means that parallel universes are not present physically just like the other galaxies or planets or present somewhere in the distant infinity from our universe. But they exists Parallely with our universe in different time domains and dimensions. We cannot feel them because we're limited by a three dimensional body. So we cannot feel anything that's beyond fourth dimension. The space we live in is three dimensional and since space and time is  one physical quantity so the fourth dimension is considered as time. In other words we're living in a four dimensional space time and cannot travel,see or feel anything beyond the fourth dimension. So, now the question arises "How a parallel universe is born??" Well, our own decision give rises to parallel universe. For example:- when we have to pick one option among two, the option we choose becomes our reality since we accept it while the other option that we reject doesn't just disappear but give rises to a parallel universe. That means, the rejected option becomes a reality in the parallel universe. To understand it in a more simple way let's consider another example:-  let's say as a kid you were passionate about two things. One you were good at singing and two you played great football. Now as you grew up you decided to pick one option as your career and reject the other. You choose to continue your football career and to reject singing. Now your career in football becomes a reality in this universe and the career in singing becomes a reality in another universe in another dimension called as parallel universe. So if you go shopping and decides to pick the black dress instead of the red then ultimately it results in buying  both the dresses but in different timelines. From this perspective if we think deeply we can say that we're living multiple lives in different timelines in different dimensions.


  1. Its about time someone posts something this cool! It reminded me a lot of Rick and Morty. You should watch it!

  2. Your article reminds me of Star Wars. But the truth is that one cannot deny the existence of a parallel universe. I believe it is possible. People agreeing to it or not is just a matter of perception.

  3. The idea of a parallel universe makes me head spin!! This explains so clearly!

  4. Thanks for explaining the definitions of parallel universe and multiverse. I wasn't sure of the meaning before. Based on your definition, I have at least billions of parallel universes, as I am sure I have made billions of choices in my life.

  5. I believe there is so much out there we are yet to explore, good insight.

  6. I always appreciate how in depth your posts are. Very insightful.

  7. Wow, really a different spin on things. Thanks for this post, very insightful!


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