Have you ever doubted yourself like will I be able to do that or to do this. Well today I'm going to pen down this article about the power of our mind which after reading will certainly give you a positive vibe. Everyone of us is battling with one thing or the other in our lives. That's normal and also very common. Everybody goes through these ups and downs in life. We certainly feel low sometimes questioning our potentials and abilities. But the reality is we are all born with great capabilities. Our mind is divided into two parts one is called conscious mind and the other is called subconscious. The conscious mind is the part that we control. This part collects the information, process it and sends it to the subconscious mind. Any information that the conscious mind process as irrelevant gets rejected. So in other words the conscious mind can be regarded as the gateway to the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is more powerful than the conscious mind and we cannot control it. The limitation of the subconscious mind is believed to be beyond any extent. That means it has the ability to turn  possibility into reality. Our habit is something that is related to  the subconscious mind. For example:- there are many among us who smokes and think of quitting it on regular basis but can they?? No they can't. Do you know why? Because even though their conscious mind tells them to quit smoking repeatedly but their subconscious mind insist them to smoke and as the subconscious mind is more powerful than the conscious mind therefore they end up smoking even if they don't want to. The subconscious mind does not understand what's wrong or right it just turns the  information passed to it by the conscious mind into reality. From this example we can understand that if we believe in our dreams then at one point the conscious mind will pass the information to subconscious mind which will turn it into reality. We just have to believe in ourselves and keep working. That's why our elders,friends, teachers,parents keeps telling us to be positive. For instance if we keep on believing that we're not good at sports or any particular activity then the conscious mind will pass a message to the subconscious mind that we are not good at sports and it will get turned into reality. On the other hand if we keep a positive  notion then the subconscious mind will turn this positivity into reality. That is how reality is born. So it's clear that no matter how many hurdles comes in our way if we just believe in ourselves and keep on trying then definitely at some point we'll be able to achieve any desired goal. We just have to believe in ourselves and keep going.


  1. This was some great motivation, and an interesting approach to thinking about how to stay positive.

  2. Human mind is so powerful. I wish more people were using it for good. We would live in paradise.

  3. The mind is power. When its focused on anything it can achieve it.


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