A few days back I came across a very interesting quote in the internet. It goes like this " once upon a time there was no time". It fascinated me so much that I printed out a copy,framed it and hanged it up on my room wall. Indeed the quote was true. Before the big Bang nothing existed not even quantities like light,time etc. The entire universe that we see today was concentrated in a single atom called the Primeval atom and the atom was infinitesimally small. But let's discuss about the origin of the universe in an another article. In this article I'll be talking about how our perspective about the universe changed over time. Before I begin I would like to point a theory here about a cave. There was once a boy who lived in a cave. Infact he was born inside that cave but one day out of curiosity he stepped outside the cave and then he realised that the world surrounding him are completely different then what he expected. Actually when he was inside the cave his view a...